About Shelby Valint

Shelby Valint was born in the beautiful city of Phoenix, Arizona and had a very different upbringing then most. She was born not being able to walk or talk. She was completely and utterly helpless but inside, her brain was like everyone else's. She was very smart and interested in many things from a young age, yet she was stuck in a body that did not allow her any control and with no way to express herself. Hope came when finally, after years of many painful surgeries and long tests, her doctor found a medication and treatment plan that worked a miracle and granted her the ability to walk and speak like everybody else. Shelby discovered her passion for art before her diagnosis, when she was still confined to a wheelchair. She found she could say and express meaningful and impactful messages with her art, without any need for words. For the next fourteen years she lived her life studying all there was to know about art, saving up allowances and birthday gift cards for new supplies, and spent countless hours with her paintbrushes and a canvas. And through all of this, she was still trying to navigate having an unknown disability and figure out who she was. At twenty-three she knew without a doubt, that art was her passion and would be a part of her life forever. She joined Milan Art Institute and gained many skills and techniques she uses in her work today. 

Shelby’s art always has depth and an aspect of light in it, always affirming that there can be positivity in the darkness. She uses many different materials to create that light and be free in her work. Her paintings are never flat. They draw inward, giving deep perception and meaning to the viewer. As Shelby says, “In art we see our souls” so when you look at her paintings, the viewer can sense the feeling of peace and hope that people, including herself all want in their lives. 

Shelby works in a studio in her home with big windows shining light on her art, but in the future, she wants to open a new studio so that everyone can visit her, and find happiness in her art. She also hopes to one day join galleries and have her work all over the world so that everyone can have a little bit more light in their life. 

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